Friday, 8 June 2007

Final day of protest

I wake up to another beautiful sunny morning as people begin to pack up at the camp. I offer my help at the kitchen and spent an hour or so helping with the huge piles of dishes with lively international company - a small gesture of help to what has been an excellently organised camp.

I then have time to head 15km by train to coastal Warmemunde, where there are white sandy beaches. The G8 leaders may have their own exclusive resort this week, but I can still enjoy this part of the Baltic coast. However, the temperature of the water (not surprisingly) leaves something to be desired!

I return to Rostock harbour for the final event of the weeks' anti-G8 activity, and enjoy music in the sunshine as we wait for the remaining blockaders to return from the fence, something that takes quite a while due to police hinderance. There are cheers as they arrive, and we hear speakers reporting on various aspects of the protests - from the camps, independent media centres, legal support and blockade organisers. The mood is a positive one as we celebrate what we have achieved - showing our strong opposition to the G8, and causing havoc to the smooth running of the summit. Support from local people has been really encouraging too. A group sets off from here to hold a vigil outsidde the police station where those still in custody are being held, and as I leave the harbour I pass a spontaneous demonstration in the street.

Towards the end of the day some activists from Berlin give me a lift to the capital, and as we leave Rostock they point out the military stationed at various points on the motorway to monitor movements around the city, something that is not allowed according the German law, although it seems that the police have instigated this activity in spite this fact.

This evening I will meet up with some WDM local group members who have also been at the protests to compare notes on our week over a beer or two. I'm quite exhausted after a action-packed week of protest in its various forms, but feel that I have done what I could to make my voice heard in letting the G8 know that what they do is not acceptable to a vast number of the people in this world.

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