Whilst Tamsyn spent the day representing WDM at the summit, I set off for Bad Doberan for the weeks final protest march, unsure whether to believe the rumours that all protests had been outlawed by the police, even those outside the´no protest´zone. We had heard that Block G8 had succeeded in holding key locations around the G8 compound all night, Bad Doberan being one, and on arrival, we were greeted by an activist organised 'info-point´ with a board of up-to-date information on how many people were still at each blockade- a means of deciding who should be aided first.
Given our experience at Camp Rostock this am, I had been fully expecting to be searched by police. As we wandered the small town looking for sign of a demonstation, no such presence was visible. Indeed, the local shops were open for business and citizens mingled amongst activists dozing in a park nearby. Attendees had only slight hope that the march to the fences would take place- after yesterday's police hostility- and indeed there was not a banner in sight. We were informed that the bloackde was ongoing and in need of support, so many people decided to head to the site of the blockade to see what was going on. As we neared the site, people were obviously tense. But soon the sound of samba eased tensions as we realised that the blockade was not only holding, but had grown into a huge mass thousands of colourful people of all ages and persuasions.
The blockade has settled at four distinct locations, where stretched out sleepy activists are being brought cheese, brot and water by their newly-arrived allies. The atmoshere is excellent, with all ages and types of attendee being enlivened and entertained by a pink fluffy samba band. And what a location for a blockade, the main road to the compound is lined with trees and surrounded by fields of barley. Wandering through the happy tranquil crowds, it is hard not to get heady and think that, with all these people united in the call for the end to this self-selecting summit, it cannot be long til these fences never even go up, let alone get pulled down.
So as we speak well over a thousand people are snuggled up on sleeping bags and bales of hay, right next to the fences of Heiligendamm. And we hear that even more people have gone to the other blockade bases and all around the fence. The police line appears bored but amused, clearly in no mood for hostilities.
But just in case anyone misread the situation, the blockaders at Bad Doberan have placed several cardboard signs at the feet of the police reading 'please, no fighting'. We hear that the other blockades are doing just as well, with 5000 people reported at one site alone.
And there they stay. Nearly 36 hours on I suspect there are more people blockading the routes to G8 HQ that there were in the beginning. Young and old seem to be looking to bed down there tonight as well. With such a minimal police presence, they might even manage it!
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